Thursday, 5 November, 2015, 9.30am - 4.00pm
Robert Webster Building, Room 327, UNSW Kensington Campus
Scholars researching digital cultures work across a range of disciplines, including media and communication, design, law, visual arts and public health.
This research raises new ethical and methodological challenges, particularly in relation to research with vulnerable or marginalised communities.
The Researching Digital Cultures symposium aims to apply an interdisciplinary lens to these challenges, and promote the development of scholarly networks that support ethical, innovative approaches to online and mobile media research.
Draft Program:
Keynote presentation:
Katherine Moline, UNSW Arts and Design: 'Methods and ethics in mobile media research'
Digital methods and ethics in researching transnational cultures
(Chair, Elaine Jing Zhao, UNSW)
Internet historiographies
(Chair, Emma Jane, UNSW)
Selfie studies: researching digital self-representation
(Chair, Kath Albury, UNSW)
Researchers at all levels of experience (including HDR students, industry-based researchers and independent scholars) are invited to join facilitated roundtable discussions, and build networks.
Abstracts on the theme of Researching Digital Cultures: Methods & Ethics will be invited following the event, with the aim of producing a peer-reviewed edited collection in 2016.
This is a free event, with morning tea and lunch included.
RSVP essential: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/researching-digital-cultures-methods-ethics-tickets-17948497439
Researching Digital Cultures: Methods & Ethics is supported by the Digital Cultures node of the UNSW Media Research Network, and the School of the Arts And Media (SAM), UNSW.
Organisers: Kath Albury (SAM), Paul Byron (SAM), Emma Jane (SAM), Zahra Stardust (SAM), Elaine Jing Zhao (SAM), Katherine Moline (UNSW Arts and Design), Daniel Joyce (UNSW Law), Michele Zappavigna (SAM), Tom Apperley (SAM).